How Students Overcome Mid-Semester Burnout

If you’re a student, you know the feeling well: burnout. It’s a feeling that makes you just want to collapse onto your bed at 5pm despite various project due dates approaching or a big test coming up you know you should be preparing for. While most students know the feeling, many may not know what do to to overcome it.

I sat down with fellow student Avery Schulze to talk about how burnout affects her and how she handles it.

One thing I’m proud of with this video package is my interview. The lighting is great, the framing is almost perfect (working with an iPhone made framing without losing quality a challenge), and the audio is crisp and clear.

One thing I found difficult was getting the b-roll I wanted for this story. While taking footage at Sewell, I was nervous people might get the wrong idea about a stranger filming them half-naked. It’s hard to explain how that footage related to my story. Luckily for me, nobody seemed to mind. I really wanted footage of someone getting into bed and turning off a bedside lamp for the part where I mention other coping skills, but that just felt too intimate for me to ask someone to participate in.






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